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 Talk 2 GOD 

Every day we talk to people--our family, our friends, and students in class. We desire to connect with them because they matter to us, and what matters to them is important. Is God one of people you talk to every day? Prayer is exactly that. It means talking, and listening to God. People need to connect in order to have a relationship with others. 


We talk to God in prayer every day so that we can have a relationship with Him. That’s why prayer is important. Even when people do pray and talk to God, they don’t always realize that God actually speaks back. He desires to be in constant communication with us throughout our days, weeks, and entire lives. You need to know that speaking to

God means both talking, and listening.


  • How much time do you spend talking to God?

  • How can God become someone you desire to talk to?

  • Is there someone we need to lift up in Prayer?



As a child, any time I needed something, I’d go talk to my dad. Sometimes what I needed was expensive, but I remember that not once as a kid didn't I worry about where my dad going to get the money for it. That wasn’t my job! It was my dad’s job to figure out where the money was going to come from. It was my job as a kid to simply ask.




It’s not your job to figure out how God’s going to provide. It’s your job to ask. The Bible says in James 4:2, “You do not have because you do not ask God. You need to worry less, and ask more. Instead of worrying, pray about everything. If God loved you enough to send Jesus to die for your sins, don’t you think he loves you enough to help you with your finances?


  • Does He loves you enough to help you get well?

  • Will He help you with your relationships?

  • Will He help you with your career decisions?

  • Will He help you with getting that loan?

  • With your school work, test, interview?

  • There’s no area of your life that God is not interested in. He already knows what you need, but he still wants you to ask him for it. Go ahead ask!

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